el proyecto

What is The NextGen Index?

The NextGen Index is a comparative tool that ranks States on their progress in ending child immigration detention. The Index uses a standard scoring framework to assess the key factors that ensure national migration management systems are sensitive to the needs of children and, importantly, avoid child detention.

The scoring framework analyses the strengths and weaknesses of current systems in protecting and respecting the rights and best interests of the child at all times, regardless of their migration status. Scorecards are accompanied by tailored recommendations on how each country can improve their scores in the future. National scores will be updated each year to track a country’s progress over time.

The NextGen Index is an initiative of the Global Campaign to End Child Detention.

Read more about the methodology

Download the Methodology

See the Questionnaire for the Country Scorecards

Download Questionnaire


How is a score determined?

Country scores are determined by a National NextGen Committee, with oversight by the Global NextGen Index Team.

The role of the National NextGen Committee is to score their national context using the standardised scoring framework, provide evidence and justification for those scores, consider and integrate the feedback from the Global NextGen Index Team, lead national government engagement strategy, and to promote the NextGen Index in the national context.

The role of the Global NextGen Index Team is to guide the National NextGen Committees to ensure they understand the Scoring Framework, to interrogate and strengthen score justifications, to ensure an appropriate quality and quantity of supporting evidence is provided, and to harmonise scoring across countries in light of international norms and diverse national contexts.

The scorecard is an NGO-led initiative, and responsibility for the transparency and accuracy of the data will lie with the Global Campaign to End Immigration Detention and our Country Committee partners.

How did you choose which countries to score?

Ideally, we would have the resources to score all countries. However, resource limitations mean that we had to select a smaller cross-section of countries for the first year of scoring. Countries were chosen according to a variety of factors. Firstly, it was important that the international comparative aim was met by ensuring countries with a range of national contexts were represented. Second, it was important that the national civil society groups working on the issue of immigration detention were able and willing to complete the scorecard and believed it would be a useful tool to promote their national advocacy work. Finally, we chose some countries that are well known for either positive or negative practices regarding children. Some Country Committees undertook the scoring process but decided to only release the narrative component of the scorecard in line with national advocacy strategies and responding to current political contexts.

National NextGen Committees 2018

Australia End Child Detention Coalition, Catholic Mission, Coalition for Asylum Seekers Refugees and Detainees, Refugee Council of Australia

Belgium Ciré, Caritas International, Jesuit Refugee Services Belgium, Platform Minors in Exile, Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen, UNHCR Belgium

Brazil Individual Consultant: Junia Barreto, Individual Consultant: Mariane Quintao

Canada University of Toronto, University of Ottawa, McGill University, Individual Consultant: François Crépeau

Czech Republic Consortium of Migrants Assisting Organisations, Organisation for Aid to Refugees

France La Cimade

Ireland Jesuit Refugee Services Ireland

Israel Hotline for Refugees and Migrants

Italy Minori Stranieri Non Accompagnati

Kenya HAART Kenya, Refugee Consortium of Kenya, Regional Mixed Migration Secretariat Individual

Lebanon Insan Association

Malawi Eye of the Child, The Centre for Human Rights Education Advice and Assistance

Mexico Aldeas Infantiles SOS México, Asylum Access MéxicoInternational Detention CoalitionInstituto para las Mujeres en la Migración, Red por los Derechos de la Infancia en México (REDIM), Sin Fronteras IAP

Poland Association for Legal Intervention, Helsinki Foundation, The Centre of Migration Research

South Africa Consortium for Refugees & Migrants South Africa, Lawyers for HR, Save the Children, Scalabrini Centre, South African HR Commission

South Korea Advocates for Public Interest Law

Spain Pueblos Unidos, Red Acoge, Save The Children

Switzerland l’OSAR, Terre de Hommes Lausanne, IDC Member: Jyothi Kanics

Thailand Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network (APRRN), Coalition for Rights of Refugee and Stateless Person (CRSP), Fortify Rights, Save the Children

United States International Detention Coalition, Individual Consultant: Dr Andrew Burroughs

Zambia Action Africa Help, International Organisation for Migration, Paralegal Alliance Network, Save The Children, Zambia Bar Association


The launch

Featuring amazing panelists representing country committees around the globe, and moderated by Leeanne Torpey, Coordinator of the Global Campaign, the webinar shared how countries were scored, important findings, and national advocacy strategies moving forward, featuring:

  • Mariane Quintao, Brazil NextGen Committee
  • Chando Mapoma and Caphas Njobvu , Zambia NextGen Committee
  • Laetitia Van der Vennet, Belgium NextGen Committee


NextGen Index Launch Webinar from End Child Detention on Vimeo.